
[Solved]Hello Need Help Creating Following Program C Void Foo Int Int B Int C Int Bar 2 Char Qux 3 Q37263206

Hello, I need help creating the following program in C
void foo ( int a , int b, int c)


int bar[2];

char qux[3];
bar[0] = ‘A’;
qux[0] = 0x42;


Create two simple functions called urname1 and urname2.

  1. Main will display the environment variables (here is a samplecode; you could stop after 2 or 3 variables; the code below willlist all of them, which could be a lot!)

int main(int argc, char *argv[], char * envp[]){int i;for (i = 0; envp[i] != NULL; i++){ printf(“n%s”, envp[i]);}return 0;}

  1. It will then call urname1 with at least two argument (add fewmore statements after the call to show how we will restore theinstructions pointer for main)
  2. Additionally, create some local variables and an array ofintegers.
  1. urname1 will call urname2 with at least one arguments (add fewmore statements after the call to show how we will restore theinstructions pointer for foo1)
    1. Additionally, create some local variables and an array ofcharacters.

Expert Answer

Answer to Hello, I need help creating the following program in C void foo ( int a , int b, int c) { int bar[2]; char qux[3]; bar[0… . . .


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